Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Forgotten Children's Fund

Our family gathered together to spend time selecting and wrapping gifts for those less fortunate than us. We get together in honor of our brother Bryan who opened a letter from a little boy asking Santa to please stop at their home. From that letter came the Forgotten Children's Fund which now finds these children and delivers them a Christmas.

Our highlights:

 Each group is given a family, you get to choose gifts from the warehouse and wrap them (as best you can). The award for the best gift wrapper went to our Father. He never complained, got frustrated or produced a package that was not acceptable. And I am a liar.... 

This is where they all end up before delivery. Each child in the family receives 3 toys, a coat, scarf and hat, a stocking bag and sometimes even a bike. The parents receive a blanket and 1 or 2 gifts each as well. A very generous program.

I tried something new with my little point and shoot which did not work out so many of my photos were blurry. Sorry Family.

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