Thursday, January 13, 2011

Final Result-Staging

Do you notice we changed the rug? We liked it much better but the agent liked our first rug. Sister Ex has the highly sought after job of hauling the old one out of the warehouse and switching them back. (Have fun..I'm off tomorrow!)
In process with a "leather" shag rug. I like the texture but not the size.
This was a cute alcove. I thought the "dining room" could have been here but it's a bit, hmmm...snug?

 If I were a true photographer that cord would not be slithering around in the photo. I often search for the cords when looking at professional interior shots in home magazines. (we all have our hang ups.)

Remember this was our original dining table? The accessories on top were never going to stay...just want you to know we wouldn't leave it like that. Below our final product after trying a cute Crate and Barrel blue table cloth we ended up with a desperate Fred Meyer purchase a la moi-the nonshopper.
Don't forget this is literally in what most would call the entry way but it actually works.

Here was the original "dining table". Isn't it cute working for its keep in the bedroom?
And... we are finished after getting the kids to school with a late 10am start and snowy slush on the ground. I look like I have actually been sipping the make belief wine.

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