Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Process

I thought it would be good to show how we get to our finished product. I was not very good at taking photos each step of the way. It's difficult when Sister Ex is asking me to help carry something or I simply get caught up in the moment of designing.

Here is just about the smallest home we have ever staged:

We brought a lovely brown chair which worked but wasn't a 10 so the boys grabbed another from the warehouse which we immediately did not like. Tara took the chair meant for the bedroom and that was perfect. (Not shown in photo)

 See how that is the entry? We are attempting to create a dining room as there is not a single natural place for a table. The kitchen, you will see later, was remodeled with out a bar or table area in mind. Go figure.

We started with this look. But didn't like the casualness of the chairs and the table still is a bit too small. The table ended up in the room in the photo below, the chairs are being traded out (hauled in our cars) and today we will try another look.

Our movers forgot the bed and a night stand so they had to head back to the warehouse.

 Finishing up today....